1. 慕课期末选择题

  1. In the object-oriented system, we use [aggregation] relationship to express that a larger "whole" class includes one or more smaller "partial" classes.

  2. Within the object-oriented technology, objects are instances of classes; there are three components for an object::[identification] 、attribute and methods (or operations).

  3. When we choose an object-oriented programming language for software development, we don't need to considerate whether this language [supports definition of global variable and global functions] .

  4. Considering the various UML views, [usecase view] shows the system function observed by external participants; [logical view] shows how the system function is implemented internally from the point of the system's static structure and dynamic behaviors; [process view] shows the structures of source code and actual executable code.

  5. [structured development method] is a dataflow-oriented development method,the basic idea of which is the decomposition and abstraction of software functions.

  6. When using UML for software design, we can use [generalization] relationship to express the special/general relation between two classes of affairs.

  7. The main task of object-oriented analysis (OOA) is to [build the logical model using objects as basic units]

  8. Which of the following is NOT correct?

    [Compared with assembly language, programming in script languages can obtain higher execution efficiency.]

    A. Object-oriented programming languages can support procedural programming.

    B. The time complexity of a given algorithm has no relation with the programming language used to implement it.

    D. Object-oriented programming languages don't support the direct access to a member variable of an object.

  9. [encapsulation] is to compose data and methods for date operation into the same unit so that we can take classes as the basic reuse units, increasing its cohesion and decreasing its coupling. In the object-oriented method, [inheritance] mechanism is the simulation of the inheritance in the real world, by this mechanism, the attributes and methods of the base class are inherit by the derived classes.

  10. Message delivery is the communication method between objects. An object request services from another object by sending messages. A message usually includes: [message-receiver's identification, operation name and necessary parameters]

  11. [generalization] is used to express the relation between a class and one or more detailed classes, i.e., the relation between "general" and "special".

  12. The best tool for further modeling of business process flow in a complex case is [Activity Diagram]

  13. Object - oriented analysis requires to find out all entities (concepts) objectively existing in the software requirements, and then summarize and abstract entity classes. [Noun Phrase Analysis] is a useful approach to find out entities.

  14. Object-oriented analysis and design are two important phases in software development, [Determine interface specification] of the following doesn't belong to object --oriented analysis.

    A.Construct analysis model

    B.Identify analysis classes

    D.Evaluate analysis model

  15. A company take charge of several projects, and each project is developed by a employee team. Which of the following UML concept diagram is most suitable for this scenario.

  16. There are following business statements for an information system: ①A customer submit 0 or more orders; ②An order can only be submitted by one customer. There are two classes in the system "Customer" and "Order". For each instance of Order Class, there are [1] instance(s) of Customer Class; while for each instance of Customer Class, there are [0 or more] instance(s) of Order Class.

  17. In object-oriented technology, objects have the following characteristics:

    (1) clear boundary (2) well-defined behavours (3) fixed position and quantity (4) Scalability

    Which of the above are correct? [(1) (2) (4)]

  18. Which of the following statements concerning object-oriented analysis is wrong?

    [Object-oriented analysis needs to consider system testing.]

    A. Object-oriented analysis focuses on analyzing problem domain and system responsebilities.

    C. Object-oriented analysis igonores problems related with system implementation.

    D. Object-oriented analysis construct implementation-independent system analysis model

  19. Which of the following statements concerning object-oriented design is wrong?

    [High-level modules cannot be independent with low-level modules.]

    A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules.

    B. Abstractions should not depend on details.

    C. Details can depend on abstractions.

  20. Business usecase together with actors depict [business process supported by organizations]

2. 慕课测验选择题

Test 1

  1. According to Brooks, which of the following is not an essential difficulty of software development?

  2. The software quality of supportability (adaptiveness) includes:

  3. The "repeatable" level of CMM (Level 2 ) means that:

  4. The Continuous Service Improvement Programme (CSIP) is part of:

  5. Which of the following is not an approach to carry out system planning:

  6. Which of the following is a primary activity of the VCM approach:

  7. Which of the following is not an objective/task of datamining:

  8. Which of the following is not considered to be an iterative and incremental development model/method:

  9. Which of the following development models/methods directly embraces intentional programming:

Test 2

  1. In BPMN, an atomic process is also called an:

  2. In BPMN, a message flow is the following modeling element:

  3. In solution envisioning, the modeling element that determines the business value of a piece of the functionality is a:

  4. Which requirements elicitation method works with the notion of a probortunity statement:

  5. A relationship stating that a class "can be" another class is called:

  6. An interface requirement is a:

Test 3

  1. MVC is a:

  2. Which of the following is the name of the Core J2EE tier?

  3. Which of the following is the PCBMER layer representing the data classes and value objects that are destined for rendering on user interfaces?

  4. The process of sending notifications to subscriber objects is called:

  5. Which of the following class discovery approaches works with the concept of a fuzzy class?

  6. The properties of transitivity and asymmetry are observed in which of the following categories of aggregation?

Test 4

  1. Which is not a UML extension mechanism?

  2. Which of the following is another name for interface inheritance?

  3. The inheritance in which some inherited properties are overridden in the subclass is called:

  4. Self-recursion always happens in:

  5. The time when the flow of control is focused in an object is called in UML 2.0:

  6. Which of the following operators defines a parallel fragment that allows for interleaved execution of contained behaviors?

Test 5

  1. Which of the following architectural styles admit the notions of client and server processes?

  2. Measuring the effort required to understand the software is called:

  3. Pattern that "promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently" is called:

  4. Which of the following cannot be the target of a message within the class method according to the Law of Demeter?

  5. Which of the following is not a legitimate artifact of reuse?

  6. Roles in a collaboration communicate along:

Test 6

  1. Which GUI guideline is the concept of locale related to?

  2. A GUI Web screen's real estate can be divided into:

  3. The concept sandbox is related to:

  4. Which PCBMER layer do JSPs belong to?

  5. Which PCBMER layer do Struts' action forms belong to?

  6. Which is not a UX stereotype?

Test 7

  1. SQL:1999 is the standard for which database?

  2. Which of the following is not supported by the RDB model?

  3. A view can be used:

  4. Which is not the permissible strategy for generalization mapping?

  5. Which pattern is defined as "an object that doesn't contain all of the data you need but knows how to get it"?

  6. Which kind of lock permits "dirty reads"?

Test 8

  1. Which is not a technique of quality assurance?

  2. Questions that a tester has to find answers for are called:

  3. Re-execution of relevant acceptance tests on successive code iterations is called:

  4. Black box testing is also called:

  5. White box testing is also called:

3. 慕课平时练习选择题


  1. What are the two main groups of stakeholders in software projects?
    [Customers, Developers]

  2. Do "accidents" of software development define the software development invariants?

  3. Does each incremental release within an iteration add a new functionality to the software product under development?

  4. Is COBIT a product standard?

  5. Is portal-oriented integration a special kind of interface-oriented integration?



  1. What is the main target of system planning?

    [effectiveness 有效性]

  2. In the SWOT analysis, are objectives derived from goals?

  3. In the VCM approach, is 'sales and marketing' a support activity?




  1. Which level of decision making is primarily supported by the data warehouse technology?

    [Tactical Level]

  2. What kind of OLAP technology aims at supporting individual departments or business functions and stores only summarized historical data?


  3. What is the main technology underpinning knowledge processing systems?

    [Data mining]

  4. What are the two main functions of transaction management in OLTP systems?

    [Concurrency control, Recovery from failures]


  1. Which software development approach, structured or object-oriented, takes advantage of the activity of functional decomposition?

    [The structured approach]

  2. Which development phase is largely responsible for producing/delivering an adaptive system?

    [Architectural design]

  3. The notion of a stub is associated with what development phase?

    [With the integration and deployment phase]

  4. Which activities span the development lifecycle and are not, therefore, distinct lifecycle phases?

    [Planning, Testing, Metrics]

  5. What is another name for business analysis?

    [Requirements analysis]


  1. Is adding a new functionality to a software project the responsibility of a software iteration or integration?


  2. Which of the development models/methods is most explicit about risk analysis?

    [The spiral model]

  3. Which development model/method is directly linked to the traditional concept of formal specifications?

    [Model Driven Architecture (MDA)]

  4. Which development model/method is directly linked to the concept of intentional programming?

    [Agile software development]

  5. Which development model/method is directly linked to the concept of crosscutting concerns?

    [Aspect-oriented development]


  1. What is the name of the most popular language for visual modeling of business processes that aims at bridging the gap between business and IT people?


  2. What are the four categories of modeling elements in BPMN?

    [Flow objects, Connecting objects, Pools, Artifacts]

  3. What are the three distinct implementation strategies to be considered in solution envisioning process?

    [Custom development, Package-based development, Component-based development]

  4. Can a sequence flow connect two pools?


  5. What is the name of a business value-driven approach to delivering an IT service  to solve an As-Is business problem or to foster a To-Be business innovation?

    [Solution envisioning]

  6. What is the main modeling outcome of software capability design?

    [Capability architecture]


  1. What is the name of the profession charged with the responsibility to elicit and document domain knowledge requirements and use case requirements?

    [Business Analyst]

  2. What are the main kinds of requirements?

    [service statements, Functional requirements, non-functional requirements, constraint statements]


  1. What are the three forms of closed-ended questions in questionnaires?

    [Multiple-choice questions, Rating questions, Ranking questions]

  2. What are the participants in a JAD session?

    [Leader, Scribe, Customers, Developers]

  3. How is the RAD development team called?

    [Specialists with advanced tools, SWAT]


  1. What is (arguably) the best visual modeling method to capture the system boundary?

    [Context Diagram]

  2. What kinds of dependencies between requirements are made explicit in a requirement dependency matrix?

    [Conflicting Requirements, Overlapping Requirements]

  3. What are the techniques for identifying requirements?

    [Unique identifier, Sequential number within document hierarchy, Sequential number within requirements category]

  4. What is the name of a risk category associated with a scenario in which a requirement is likely to keep changing or evolving during the development process?

    [Volatility risk]

  5. What is the name of a tool dedicated to change management?

    [Software configuration management tool]


  1. What are the three main categories of relationships between business classes?

    [Association, Generalization, Aggregation]

  2. What is another name for a business use case?

    [System feature]

  3. What is the name of a relationship representing the flow of events between actors and use cases?

    [Communication relationship]


  1. Which MVC objects represent mouse and keyboard events?

    [Controller objects]

  2. Which Core J2EE tier is responsible for establishing and maintaining connections to data sources?

    [Integration tire]

  3. Which PCBMER layer is responsible for establishing and maintaining connections to data sources?

    [Resource layer]


  1. A message can denote an asynchronous inter-object communication. How is such a message called?

    [A signal]

  2. What UML modeling technique is most useful for discovering class operations

    [Sequence Diagram]

  3. Do use cases have the possibility of representing the concurrent flow of control?


  4. Can activity diagrams be constructed before a class model is developed?



  1. Do state machine diagrams represent the sequence of state changes?


  2. Will the state change always occur when the relevant transition to that state has been fired?



  1. What is the default visibility in Java (i.e. if the visibility is not specified)?

    [package visibility]

  2. Can reified class replace association class without any loss of semantics?


  3. What is the most important extension mechanism of UML?


  4. How are role names called in UML 2.0?

    [Association end names]


  1. What related principle makes generalization useful?

    [The substitutability principle]

  2. What concept can be used in lieu of multiple implementation inheritance?

    [Interface inheritance]


  1. Which kind of aggregation needs to be specified with the "frozen" constraint?

    [The Exclusive Owns aggregation]

  2. What does aggregation use to reuse the implementation of component objects?



  1. What interaction modeling concept needs to be used to specify multi-threaded execution?

    [asynchronous messages]

  2. What interaction modeling concept needs to be used to specify interaction from unknown sender?

    [found message]

  3. What architectural layer does a servlet belong to?

    [The Controller layer]


  1. Which architectural style defines only a single type of system element?

    [The peer-to-peer architectural style]

  2. What is the middle tier in the three-tier architecture?

    [Business logic and enterprise-wide business rules]

  3. By what programming means are enterprise-wide business rules implemented in a database?



  1. Is structural complexity computed with regard to program's classes or program's objects?


  2. What is the name of the pattern that defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use?


  3. Which pattern makes it possible to enforce the NCP (neighbor communication) principle?

    [Chain of Responsibility]


  1. How can the design reuse at the component level be called?

    [Framework reuse]

  2. What term is used to define the degree of inner self-determination of the class?

    [Class cohesion]


  1. In what collaboration model the roles are always typed (have a type explicitly defined)?

    [Composite structure diagram]

  2. Do collaboration models identify messages?



  1. What is the principal GUI design guideline?

    [User in control]

  2. What user guideline is most closely related to the guideline of user in control?



  1. What GUI component is an accelerator key related to?

    [Menu Item]

  2. What is the main characteristic that distinguishes primary from secondary windows?

    [The existence of the menu bar and toolbar in primary windows]


  1. What are the GUI components for programming user events in Web applications?

    [Menu items, Buttons, Links]

  2. What is the most primitive mechanism for maintaining a connection between the Web client and the server?



  1. What is the name of a UX stereotype representing screen regions?


  2. What UML diagram is used for modeling a behavioral UX collaboration?

    [Sequence Diagram]


  1. Which database model is used as an object storage API for interoperability between client applications and any server data sources?

    [Object-oriented database model]

  2. What is the most popular conceptual data modeling technique?

    [Entity relationship (ER) diagrams]

  3. Are the notions of entity class and persistent class the same?



  1. Can a foreign key have null values?


  2. What mathematical concept is a relational database model based on?

    [The set theory]

  3. What is the main feature of a key?



  1. In what kind of mapping is an intersection table is required?

    [In mapping many-to-many associations]

  2. Is polymorphism addressed in mapping of generalization relationships to a relational model?



  1. Which pattern has knowledge of objects currently in the memory cache?

    [Data Mapper]

  2. Which pattern is responsible for handling business transactions?

    [Unit of Work]

  3. What does PEAA stand for?

    [Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.]


  1. Record-at-a-time processing is possible from which SQL programming level?

    [Level 3]

  2. What isolation level ensures serializable execution of transactions?

    [Repeatable read]