
1. 成绩分配

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1. 简历
2. 求职信
3. 技术写作
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2. 10分
3. 10分
测验(BB平台Quiz) 20分
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Module 1 IT Professional English Conversations

Unit 1 Getting Started

1.2 Test

1.2.1 Fill in the blanks
  1. ---- Good morning, General Computers. [How can I help you] ?

    ---- Good morning. May I speak to Ms. Jerkins, please? I need to know if she has [worked out] the project plan yet.

  2. ---- We have to [sort out] the most talented programmers for this siginificant project.

    ---- Well, Beth is always [keeping track of] the programmers' performances. You can ask for his opinion.

  3. ---- [You mean] we have to depend on our clients in finding a best solution?

    ---- No, what I meant was that they must play a more active role in defining the software. They need to [brief us on] their exact needs.

  4. ---- So far we have [figured out] the one best solution for out project.

    ---- Great. What did you [come up with] ? Tell me about it.

  5. ----You said your team won't use Java. That doesn't [sound like] you.

    ---- Well, [because of] the current schedule of this project, our progerammers won't have enough time to get familiar with Java. Only three of us are cetified Java programmers.

1.2.2 Talking over the phone
  1. You are asking a client, Ms. White, to send you a User Requirements Document.

    Ms. White, I am wondering if you could send me a User Requirements Document?

  2. Ms. White wants to add a new user scenario to the software, and you want to know more about it.

    Ms. White, would you please tell me more about the scenario?

  3. You have to tell Mrs. Wood that the program designed for her company won't be able to incorporate an online payment system.

    Mrs. Wood, I’m afraid to tell you that the program won’t include an online payment module.

  4. You need to ask a client whether there is any technical jargon that needs explaining in the feasibility report you sent to him/her.

    Since you’ve looked at the feasibility report, I’m calling to make sure there is no technical jargon we need to explain in it.

Unit 2 Formulating Plans

2.2 Fill in the blanks

  1. --- What if we just used a free scheduling software to keep track of the progress? That would save [quite a bit] .

    --- [I'm afraid] that's not workable. I don't know of any decent free scheduler.

  2. --- I think if we use the legacy HTML files instead of [putting together] new stuff with ASP.NET, we'll save a whole lot of time.

    --- But [there is no way] we would give thousands of HTML files to the clients. We don't deliver inferior products.

  3. --- We'd really appreciate it if you can port the software to GNU/Linux environment, [as long as] that won't be a big problem for you.

    --- [I understand your concern] . But do we have to release it as free software under the GPL license?

  4. --- We have to reschedule. I think [that's why] we're all here today. Well, do you think it's better if we develop the software in multiple versions?

    --- [That sounds great] . We will win a lot of extra time if we can persuade the client.

  5. ---[Do you mean that] our program crashed due to a security leak? But according to our investigation, the downtime was due to a vulnerability in your Windows system.

    --- [I see your point] . Thank you for the information. Maybe we need to update our operating system more often.

Unit 3 Specifying Customer Needs

3.2 Fill in the blanks

  1. --- [In my opinion] , we ll need to spend more time on the design phase.

    --- I agree, but [now that] we've spent an extra week in recruitment, we really have little time left.

  2. --- Well, the current design is quite enough. [That is to say] , we have nearly everything we need.

    --- All right. Send me the design specs, and I'll [have a look] .

  3. --- I think [it may be better to] design a new developing environment for this project.

    --- I don't know, but [what if] the new platform cost us too much and affected our rate of progress?

  4. --- We can't drop the current design and make another just [based on] your report.

    --- Well, I've said enough. [Most importantly] , please consider its feasibility.

  5. ---The new component [sounds good] . Could you tell me more about its functions?

    --- OK. [In short] , it provides speech recognition interface for users to input text.

Unit 4 Describing Designs

4.2 Fill in the blanks

  1. --- [I figured] that there would be a new engineer assigned to our group.

    --- [Precisely]! The young man over there will be on our team from next Monday.

  2. --- Well, Ms. Jones. [I called to] ensure that you have everything you need.

    --- Thanks, Mr. Brown. But [could you tell me more about] the architecture of the new codecs?

  3. --- [The point is] , we can't spend more than one month in designing. That's too costly.

    --- I tend to disagree. Well, maybe [we need to look into this some more] .

  4. --- [Would you mind] telling Mike that a design document is ready for his inspection?

    --- Well, I guess he should be available by now. I'd better [transfer] you [through] to him.

  5. --- That's an absolutely great idea! [You are really something]

    --- Thank you for your comment. I guess we'd better [run] this [past] our Project Manager first.

Unit 5 Detailing Processes

5.2 Fill in the blanks

  1. a) – It would be better to gradually [work your way up] to these new projects next year.

    – I agree. [That way], it might demonstrate a year's worth of understanding as opposed to this mad dash to meet deadlines.

  2. – Please remember to [be strict about] deadlines. We expect all the group members to complete the work they’ve committed themselves to.

– Thanks, Mr. Johnson. [This time around], we won’t let you down.

  1. – Oh, [it should be something like this]: a complex system that handles and verifies all the connections.

    – I’ve got it. You advice [is of] great [help] to us.

  2. – For a systems analyst, I guess it is essential to [be familiar with] UML or other modeling languages.

    – Right. [On the other hand], developers should also learn to speak the same language.

  3. – You seem to have something in your mind. Just [go ahead].

    – Actually, I think the current design is flawed in terms of its feasibility. We can review it [from another perspective].

Unit 6 Documenting Your Work

6.2 Fill in the blanks

  1. – I guess a new year is a good time for [breaking old habits]. We should start to make the new development regulations work from now on.

    – That sounds great, but are you sure your guys have [made] the regulations [clear] enough to put into effect?

  2. [There is a problem with] the syntax in these lines. Have you checked the code yourself?

    – Ah, I am terribly sorry, please let me [jot down] these lines, and I’ll get around to them as soon as possible.

  3. – Well, I assume [it would be much better if] class names, variables, and comments were in bold or in a different color.

    – Thanks for your advice, but I’d better [stick to] the conventions set by my company.

  4. – OK, everyone. [That's about all/That is about all] for this session of our meeting. In the next session, we’ll have group discussions about what we’ve learnt today.

    [I’m sorry to say/I am sorry to say] that I am still confused about one thing: why can’t we capitalize the first word in a function name?

  5. – The good news is, with the new platform, programmers will [get down to business] faster with hundreds of compatible products and integrated solutions.

– Maybe, they just have to spend a lot of time to [get ready for] this new change.

Unit 7 Implementing A Project

7.2 Fill in the blanks

  1. – You really have got [a good grasp of] this whole project, Jim.

    – Thank you. I’m just [acting on] the work plan and sticking to it.

  2. – I really wish those new hires could get on the right track [as] soon [as possible].

    – Well, I believe it’s important to [allow time for] things to mature, for mistakes to be made, and for lessons to be learned.

  3. – What do you think is the most important thing for anyone who is [in charge of] a software project?

    – I guess the most important thing is to [keep on top of] scientific and technological progress.

  4. – OK, it seems there’s no problem that we’re [aware of] in this agreement.

    – Does that mean we’re finally able to [sign off on] it? It has already taken us two months.

  5. – This work package is assigned to two developers from Ace Corp. [One] of them will write the code, and [the other] will test it.

    – And [I'd like to] add that they will be in close cooperation with the rest of the team.

Unit 8 Negotiating Assignments

8.2 Fill in the blanks

  1. – I feel I really can’t [go over] all these documents today. They are too long.

    – Why don’t we [put our heads together] on this? Two heads are better than one.

  2. – I would very much like to [put more time and effort into] this project, but I already have another project at hand, so I have no choice but to select someone else who has the time, talent, knowledge and skills to complete it.

    – Well, you can largely [put] this project [on hold], and resume it after the other is completed.

  3. [Sorry to be so blunt], but you guys have to learn to listen or this whole project will continue to get bad comments and eventually it will die.

    – The point is, we have [no more than] five people on our team. How the hell can we succeed?

  4. – I guess some of you would still question the decision to [leave] him [out] of our team, right?

    – I just think you should [consult with] more shareholders before you make such an important decision.

  5. – Actually, we just need to know how much time to [allot ourselves to] unit test. We have no idea at all.

    – You can [carry] it [out] soon after an important module is finished, or you may wait till all the modules are finished and do it once for all.

Module 2 Computer Science English Note-taking

Unit 1 Development of Computer

I Word dictation

序号 答案
1 transaction
2 automation
3 desktop
4 digit
5 workstation
6 laptop
7 compact
8 cutting-edge / cutting edge
9 computing
10 interface
11 innovative
12 binary
13 versatile
14 analogue / analog
15 numerical
16 analytical
17 manipulate
18 conceive
19 memory
20 chip

II Word stress and spot dictation

  1. A computer is a tool for manipulating and [storing] information.
  2. Today, computers leave virtually no aspect of life or work [untouched] .
  3. The numbers, letters and [images] input to a computer are called data.
  4. The output, intended for use and interpretation by people, is called [information] .
  5. The reason why a computer can work at rather high speed is very simple:it is an [electronic] machine.
  6. Computers' [achievements] are limited by minds of human beings.III Compound dictation.
  7. It was during this period that [symbolic] languages were developed.
  8. In the second generation of computers, [transistors] replaced vacuum tube.
  9. The computers became even smaller, while their memory [capacities] became larger.
  10. Today, there are more [microprocessors] on Earth than there are people.

III Compound dictation

The general characteristics of modern computer include that the machine is electronic, that it has a [stored program] , and that it is [general-purpose/general purpose] . We can not call Z3 a modern computer because it had a [mechanical memory] . The modern computer era began with the appearance of the ENIAC. From then on, computers became useful [scientific and business] tools. Moreover, the [refinements] in computers' speed, size and cost have been made continuously.

It is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s, a number of machines were developed which were similar to a computer. But most of these machines did not have all characteristics that we associated with computers today. These characteristics are that the machine is electronic, that it has a stored program, and that it is general-purpose. One of the first computer-like devices was developed in Germany by Konard Zuse in 1941. Called the Z3, it was general-purpose, stored-program machine with electronic parts, but it had a mechanical memory. The first general-purpose electronic computer which operated successfully was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). With the development of the ENIAC, computer became a useful scientific and business tool. The ENIAC could operate without human intervention, depending only upon stored instructions. This development marked the beginning of the modern computer era. Since then, many refinements in computer's speed, size and cost have been made.

IV Comprehensive dictation

Listen and write


  1. Nowadays, people rely more on computers to solve various kinds of problems.
  2. Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources.
  3. From that start, computers have developed through four generations, or stages, each one characterized by smaller size, and less expense than its predecessor.
  4. Generally, the larger the system, the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity, and cost.
  5. You may have noticed that experienced computer users often speak a different language.
Listen and translate
  1. 现在,人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种问题。
  2. 数据库服务和计算机网络使各种各样的信息源可供使用。
  3. 从那时起,计算机经历了四个发展时代或阶段,每一代与上一代相比,都具备体积更小费用更低的特点。
  4. 一般说来,系统越大,其处理速度越快、存储能力越强、费用越高。
  5. 你可能已经注意到,有经验的计算机使用者经常会说出一些你不懂的话。

Unit 2 Computer Architecture

I Word dictation

序号 答案 释义
1 component 组成部分
2 storage 存储
3 circuitry 电路
4 device 设备
5 architecture 架构
6 firmware 固件
7 external 外部的
8 keyboard 键盘
9 clip 剪贴画
10 pointer 指针
11 scanner 扫描仪
12 modem 调制解调器
13 permanent 持久的
14 retrieval 检索
15 embedded 嵌入的
16 optical 光学的
17 volatile 不稳定的
18 manipulate 操作
19 serial 串行的
20 simultaneously 同时地

II Spot dictation

  1. The model of the typical modern [digital] computer is often called the von Neumann computer.
  2. In the early 1950s, the respectable German John von Neumann proposed the concept of a stored [program] computer.
  3. Most computers nowadays are [synchronous] , which means they are controlled by a clock.
  4. In every computer, the [processor] is always of great importance.
  5. The PC has totally changed our means of [communicating] .
  6. The PC was from the start standardized and had an open [architecture] .
  7. The microprocessor or CPU is the heart of any computer device and the single most important [chip] in the computer.
  8. Modern processors contain millions of [transistors] which are etched onto a tiny square silicon called a die , which is about the width of a standard thumb.
  9. When we talk about main memory, we mean [physical] memory that is internal to the computer.
  10. The CPU performs the system's [calculating] and processing.

III Retelling dictation

The function of modem is to convert between [digital/analog/analogue] and [digital/analog/analogue] signals. Computers use digital signals, which are made up of [separate units] , usually represented by a series of 1's and 0's. Sound wave, as one kind of analog signals, varies [continuously] . Computers are enables to communicate with each other across telephone lines by modems. A modem converts the digital signals of the sending computer to analog signals that can be [transmitted] through telephone lines. When the signal reaches its destination, another modem reconstructs the original digital signal, which is processed by the receiving computer.

IV Summary

The development of technology and great [demand] has led to DVD. Film industry prefers to replace analog video tapes by digital disks because they have a higher [quality] , are cheaper to manufacture, last longer, take up less shelf space in video stores and do not have to be [rewound] . The consumer electronics companies love digital disks because they want to provide a new [blockbuster] product. Furthermore, the computer companies would like to add [multimedia] features to their software.

V Comprehensive dictation

  1. 不加夸张地讲,市场上有来自不同厂商的几百种不同类型的计算机在销售。
  2. 尽管微处理器严格说来仍被归为硬件,但它的部分功能也与计算机软件相关。
  3. 输出硬件由外部设备构成,它们将计算机中心处理器发出的信息传递给使用者。
  4. 同样重要的是,这些晶体管能够通过金属化过程来连接,以形成电路。
  5. 令包括摩尔在内的许多人惊奇的是,这种态势年复一年地继续下来。

Unit 3 Operating System

I Word dictation

序号 答案 释义 例句
1 allocator 分配程序 Do you know what a memory allocator is?
2 interpretation 翻译 The interpretation is carried out by the instruction decoder.
3 command 命令 Some command vectors offer more support to new users.
4 multitasking 多任务处理 Watch him at his desk, and you begin to see his incredible "multitasking" ability.
5 virtual memory 虚拟内存 The disk space is set aside for virtual memory.
6 perceptible 可感觉到的 Radio waves or electric signals are transferred into perceptible forms, such as sound or light, by means of antennas and electronic equipment.
7 release 释放 To fulfill this job, you need to click, drag, and then release the mouse button.
要完成这个操作,你需要单击、拖动和释放鼠标键 。
8 version 版本 When Microsoft proposes an interface standard, it has no qualms about changing it for something better in the next version.
9 portable 便携式的 The new portable computers are going like hot cakes.
10 available 可得到的 Many functions available from modem software are quite flexible and have a number of options.
11 compatible 兼容的 As more manufactures produce compatible equipment, the standard will become even more widespread.
12 intuitive 直觉 In the computer industry, and particularly in the user-interface design community, the word intuitive is often used to mean easy-to-use or easy-to-understand.
13 acronym 缩写 People involved with intranet development know the acronym HTML.
14 execution 执行 People involved with intranet development know the acronym HTML.
15 maintenance 维护 Good standards can lead to reduced maintenance costs and improved reuse of design and code.
16 interface 界面 The interface should be adjusted to match user needs.
17 minimize 减少到最小值 nterfaces should try to minimize the amount of text that must be read in order to navigate the interface successfully.
18 application (应用)程序 The application immediately cancels the print operation.
19 graphical 图形的 This simple operation is a comerstone of the graphical user interface and is the basis for all mouse operations.
20 collaboration 协作 One of the most exciting benefits to emerge from the continued evolution of the Internet is the ease of collaboration.
21 subsequent 后继的 Subsequent changes to the original will have no effect on the copy.
22 enhance 增强 When designing interactive products we should promote and enhance flow and avoid any potentially flow-disturbing behavior.
23 array 阵列 An interconnected array of many such cells will deliver useful amounts of electricity.
24 overlap 重叠 Microsoft’s clever way is that it allows users to overlap toolbars but still get at all their functions.
25 innovation 革新 Continuous innovation is also necessary for success.
26 resemble 和......相似 The pattern so obtained will not resemble any of the others.
27 dataset 数据集
28 context switching 上下文切换
29 distributed system 分布式系统
30 simultaneous access 同时访问

II Spot dictation

序号 句子 释义
1 The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may [execute] programs. 操作系统的目的是提供一种环境,在这种环境下,使用者可以执行程序。
2 The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system [convenient] to use. 操作系统最主要的目标是使计算机系统便于使用。
3 Early computer were very large machine run from a [console] . 早期的计算机是非常大的机器,通过操作台控制运行。
4 Time-shared operating systems allow many users to use a computer system [interactively] at the same time. 分时操作系统允许多个使用者同时交互式地使用。
5 A real-time system is often used as control device in a [dedicated] application. 实时系统在特定应用领域中通常被用作控制设备。
6 In most traditional operating systems, each process has an address space and a single [thread] of control. 在多数传统操作系统里,每个进程都有一个地址空间和单一的控制线。
7 SunView is also dominant because of its large installed base and the numbers of applications programmers who have become familiar with writing software to its [specifications] . Sunview也是一种主流产品,因为它拥有庞大的安装基数和数量众多的应用程序员,他们对按照它的规范编写软件很熟悉。
8 The [customized] version of the operating system, with its new or modified features may later present compatibility problems with newer releases or purchased applications. 个性化版本的操作系统因其新的或修正过的特色,可能将会与新发行或已购买的应用软件产生兼容性问题。
9 Many embedded systems require [predictable] and bounded responses to real-world events. 很多嵌入系统需要对真实世界中的事件作出预测的、限定的反应。
10 Although Linux is not a real-time operating system, there are currently several add-on options available that can bring real-time [capabilities] to Linux-based systems. 虽然Linx不是实时操作系统,但目前也有一些附加的选项能够为基于 Linux的系统提供实时操作能力。

III Retelling dictation

As an extension and [replacement] for Microsoft's Disk Operation System, windows has become the most [widely] used operation system in the world. It enables users to enter commands with a [point and click] device, such as a [mouse] , instead of a keyboard and allows them to manipulate icons on the computer [screen] to issue command.


IV Summary

With the technology development, the [keyboard] may be replaced by a means of using voice or [handwriting] for computer input in the future. But at present, it is rather difficult for computers to [recognize] the same input from different users because people pronounce and write words very [differently] . So these types of input are [imprecise] .

V Sentence dictation

  1. [Devices that needed faster connections came with their own cards] , [which had to fit in a card slot in the computer case] .
  2. 需要较快连接的设备有它们自己的卡,这些卡必须插入计算机机箱内相符合的卡槽。
  3. [If it is a new device] , [the operating system autodetects it and asks for the driver disk] .
  4. 如果是一个新的设备,操作系统会自动检查并要求提供驱动盘。
  5. [Researchers at] U. C. Berkeley [performed analysis comparing high performance drives designed for] PC/AT [systems to those used by mainframes and] minicomputers.
  6. 加州伯克利分校的研究人员对PC/AT系统所使用的高性能磁盘机和大型机、小型机所使用的磁盘机进行了比较分析。
  7. [If one drive fails] , [data on the remaining two drives would be adequate to keep the system running] , and [for reconstructing the failed drive] .
  8. 如果有一台磁盘机出现故障,剩下的两台磁盘机上的数据足以保持系统运行和修复出现故障的磁盘机。
  9. FireWire [is finding favor not only for computer systems] , but [also in consumer electronics products] .
  10. 火线不仅在计算机系统,而且在电子消费产品中都受到欢迎。

Unit 4 Computer Language and Programming

I Word dictation

序号 答案 释义 例句
1 successive 不断的,连续的 Successive improvements and modification have been made to the new program.
2 query 查询 If you ask the inventory query system to tell you how many widgets are in stock, it will dutifully ask the database and report the number as of the time you ask.
3 compile 编译 Search engines typically disperse Web crawlers to scour the network and compile an index of existing documents.
4 inherent 固有的 This programming language suffers from an inherent and irreparable weakness.
5 script 脚本 Just as storyboards breathe life into a movie script, design solutions should be created and rendered to follow a plot—a story.
6 applet 应用程序 Currently available JAVA programs are small "applets" that are available as part of Web pages.
目前能得到的JAVA程序都是小的应用程序(称作 applet),它们是作为Web页面的一部分提供的。
7 syntax 句法 Still, they were better than command lines, where you had to remember complex command syntax, as well as the exact spelling of every operand you wanted to act upon.
8 variable 变量 Like size, position is both an ordered and a quantitative variable, which means it's useful for conveying information about hierarchy.
9 buffer 缓存 While the printer was beginning to work on page 1, the computer has already sent 15 pages into the printer’s buffer.
10 evaluate 估计 That communications engineer can evaluate precisely telephone, radio and TV circuits.
11 denote 表示 All instructions are carried out using a register called the accumulator, which we shall denote by A.
12 allocate 分配 WFQ does not, however, let the user specify a way to dynamically allocate unused bandwidth.
13 debug 调试 It's easy to debug, and when something doesn't behave properly, it's easy to troubleshoot.
14 format 格式 The next time the user enters a date, which format should the application use?
15 cryptic 加密的 He converted from cryptic to intelligible language.
16 inheritance 继承 Occasionally, problems with block inheritance or linkage are encountered.
有时会遇到阻止继承或阻止链接的问题 。
17 routine 例行公事 Dismissing confirmations thus becomes as routine as issuing them.
18 assembly language 汇编语言
19 source code 源代码
20 object-oriented programming /object oriented programming

II Spot dictation

  1. There are five [generations] of programming languages.


  2. In the C language, units of data are called [structures] .


  3. Teachers instructed us to create 10 [applets] about counting.


  4. We use [tags] to denote the various elements in an HTML document.


  5. Assembly language provides English [abbreviation] for computer operation.


  6. Each [successive] generation gets closer to representing data in human terms.


  7. A complier translates code written in a computer language into an [executable] form.


  8. The [ultimate] goal of programmers is to be able to tell the computer what to do in their native language.

    程序员的最终目标是能够以自己的语言告诉计算机要做什 么。

  9. [Compressed] files travel faster via modem which reduces telecommunication transmission and reception.


  10. Many database [query] languages would fall under the fourth-generation heading.


III Compound dictation

  1. Humans employ high-level language because it provides [functions] and means of [reasoning] that are easy to understand. However, the high-level language tended to be a good bit [slower] than assembly or [machine] language because it is needed to be translated into machine language which the computer can [understand] before processing starts.

    High-level language provides functions and means of reasoning that made sense to humans. However, since computers don't know how to format output, or how to compute a cosine, considerable translation was needed to get to machine language the computer could understand. This meant that high-level languages tended to be a good bit slower than assembly or machine language.

  2. We would call HTML a [markup] language rather than a complete [programming] language. As ASCII text with [embedded] instructions, an HTML document affect the way the text is [displayed] . The basic model for HTML execution is to fetch a document by its name, interpret the HTML and displace the document. Thus, it's possible for the user to find [hot areas] in the displayed document.

    HTML is a markup language rather than a complete programming language. An HTML document is ASCll text with embedded instructions which affect the way the text is displayed. The basic model for HTML execution is to fetch a document by its name, interpret the HTML and display the document, possibly leaving hot areas into the displayed document that, if selected by the user, can accept user input or cause additional HTML documents to be fetched by URL.


Unit 5 Office Automation

I Word dictation

序号 答案 释义 例句
1 application nform the user when the application is unresponsive.
当程序将变成无响应状态时, 必须通知用户。
2 version Toolbars are often thought of as just a speedy version of the menu.
3 slide If you click on a slide, it is selected.
4 numeric Most quantitative values needed by software are bounded, yet many programs allow unbounded entry with numeric fields.
软件所需的大多数值都是有界的, 但许多程序允许数字字段无界输入。
5 wizard For a computer wizard like you, it would be like off a log.
对于你这样的电脑专家, 这还不是手到擒来?
6 template This template allows for slight song variations.
7 browser Microsoft swiftly succeeded in winning a half share in the browser market.
8 calculate Our main aim is to calculate the number of distinct patterns.
9 spreadsheet In the spreadsheet, a single-click will select exactly one whole cell.
在电子表格中, 单击就能选择整个单元格。
10 layout Changing your perspective can often uncover some problems in layout and composition.
11 streamline 把......设计成流线型
12 office automation 办公自动化
13 desktop publishing 桌面印刷
14 video conference 电视会议
15 corporate database 联合数据库
16 word processor 文字处理器
17 text editor 文本编辑程序
18 word wrap 自动换行
19 analytical graph 分析图表
20 formula A simple recursion formula can then be used to solve such a system of equations.

II Compound dictation

  1. By offering more capabilities, new software enables people to [free] their creativity and [enhance] the quality and quantity of work. New versions of basic application software are being released [all the time]. It's quite easy to interact with them because almost all new software today has a [similar] command and menu structure. When a new version [comes out], it looks and feels quite similar to the previous version.

    New software versions will offer more capabilities, freeing your creativity and enhancing the quality and quantity of your work. New versions of basic application software are being released all the time. One way these programs change is in the software's capabilities. Interacting with them may not be as difficult as you might think. That’s because almost all new software today has a similar command and menu structure. When a new version comes out, it looks and feels quite similar to the previous version.
    软件的新版本能提供更多的功能, 从而释放你的创造力, 提升工作的质量和数量。基础应用软件的新版本一直都在发布。这些程序变化的一个主要方面在于软件的能力。应用它们也许并不像你想的那么困难。因为如今几乎所有的新软件都有相似的命令和菜单结构。新版本出现后, 它看起来和使用起来都和老版本相似。

  2. Using presentation graphic programs could make your presentation more [interesting] and [professional]. For example, a marketing manager may present information to a group on marketing strategy and a salesperson may make a presentation to [persuade] you to purchase a product. In order to create [high-quality/high quality] class presentation, students also often utilize presentation graphic programs to [convey] their message effectively.

    People in a variety of settings and situations use presentation graphic programs to make their presentation more interesting and professional. For example, a marketing manager may present information to a group on marketing strategy and a salesperson may make a presentation to persuade you to purchase a product. Students use presentation graphic programs to create high-quality class presentations that effectively convey their message.
    在各种情境和场合下, 人们使用图形演示软件使它们的演讲更加有趣和专业。例如, 营销经理会通过演示向同事展示市场营销战略信息, 销售员会通过演示说服你购买产品。学生们利用图形演示软件准备高质量的课堂演讲, 以此有效地传达自己的观点。

III Comprehensive Dictation

  1. [Microsoft Office 2007 is a perfect tool for creating appealing reports and fascinating presentations for school or work]

    微软Office 2007是一个可以用于学校或企业, 用来创建丰富多彩的报告和演示的特别好的工具。

  2. [There are four typical applications with office automation] : desktop publishing, [electronic mail] , [video conference] and videotex.

    办公自动化有四个典型应用: 桌面印刷、电子邮件、视频会议和可视图文。

  3. [A spreadsheet is a page with columns and rows] . You can [enter just about anything in the columns and rows] .

电子报表的行、列组成了页面,几乎可以在行列中输入任何信息 。

  1. [In order to take advantage of increasingly efficient information processing methods] , employees [must use office automation] .


  2. [Modern offices are improving and streamlining procedures and systems] by using the [most advanced office equipment available].


Unit 6 Database

I Word dictation

序号 答案 释义 例句
1 query Instead, a single query brings us everything we are looking for.
2 integrity The application assumes tha a number field must contain a number—data integrity tells it so.
3 mining Data mining is to extract knowledge from information.
4 warehouse As a result, IT must handle warehouse management differently.
5 maintenance All photocopying machines need careful usage, and regular cleaning and maintenance.
6 retrieve Whenever a record was entered, the program would return a token that could be used to retrieve the record.

7 hierarchical All programmers are fluent in these algorithms, including such things as recursion, hierarchical data structures, and multithreading.
8 entity The collection of all songs in a database is an entity set.
9 logical Discard the project's logical database model before re-building it from the source models.
10 attribute List controls allow users to select from a finite set of text strings, each representing a command, object, or attribute。
每个文本字符串代表一个命令、对象或属性。, 列表控件允许用户从有限的文本字符串中选择。
11 boundary There is a gray boundary between configuration and personalization.
12 simulate It can simulate, or imitate different measurements by electronic means.
13 duplicate Removal of duplicate items on the desktop computer is complete.
14 spatial Users find spatial zoom difficult enough to understand.
15 establish I had certain reservation about establishing a new computer centre.
对建立一个新的计算机中心的提议, 我有保留意见。
16 external schema 外部模式
17 distributed database 分布式数据库
18 file server 文件服务器
19 network filing system 网络归档系统
20 data manipulation language 数据操作语言

II Spot dictation

  1. A database is a [collection] of related data.


  2. Popular database management programs include dBASE, Paradox, [Access] and Approach.

    常用的数据库管理软件包括dBASE, Paradox, Access 和Approach。

  3. In a [relational] database, records correspond to rows in each table.


  4. Many database programs contain built-in math formulas, you can [calculate] the summation.


  5. A DBMS includes a storage subsystem that stores and [retrieves] data in files.


III Compound dictation

  1. It's no longer necessary for the application program to have the built-in [detailed] knowledge of the [physical] organization of the data after a DBMS is used. The application program asks the DBMS for data by [field name] , for example, a coded representation of 'give me customer name and balance clue' would be sent to DBMS. If the data structure changes, all the [application] programs need to be [changed] , too

    When a DBMS is used, the detailed knowledge of the physical organization of the data does not have to be built into every application program. The application program asks the DBMS for data by field name, for example, a coded representation of "give me customer name and balance due" would be sent to the DBMS. Without a DBMS, the programmer must reserve space for the full structure of the record in the program. Any change in data structure requires changes in all the applications programs.

  2. The capability to locate records in the file quickly [features] all database programs. [Querying] a database refers to the program searches each record for a [match] in a particular field to whatever data you [specify] . Then, the records can be displayed on the screen for viewing, [updating] , or edting. For example, if an employee moves, the address field need to be changed. The record is quickly located by searching the database to find the employee record that matches the name field you specify. Once the record is displayed, the address field can be changed.

    A basic feature of all database programs is the capability to locate records in the file quickly. In this example, the program searches each record for a match in a particular field to whatever data you specify. This is called querying a database. The records can then be displayed on the screen for viewing, updating, or editing. For example, if an employee moves, the address field need to be changed. The record is quickly located by searching the database to find the employee record that matches the name field you specify. Once the record is displayed, the address field can be changed.

Unit 7 Computer networks

I Word dictation

序号 答案 例句
1 file transfer protocol You can use the File Transfer Protocol to transfer data from one computer to another.
2 client Client is computer or a software program that can access particular services on the Internet.
3 server The last Internet service you should understand is the general client/server facility.
最后一种您应了解的 Internet服务是客户端/服务器。
4 virtual reality Many children have indulged heavily in the virtual reality of the Internet.
5 gateway Moreover, the gateway to the Internet is moving from the personal computer to the cell phone.
此外, 互联网网关正在从个人计算机转移到移动电话。
6 architectural framework We can use this computer software to design the architectural framework.
7 interactive scripting Although it is used as an interactive scripting command interpreter, it was also a scripting language.
8 platform-independent /
platform independent
A new computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems can create platform-independent programs.
一种由Sun Microsystems公司开发的新型计算机编程语言可以创建独立于平台的程序。
9 infrastructure Corporations may also find it difficult to justify Intranet implementation if a good remote infrastructure is already in place.
10 disparate One of the most significant benefits an Intranet can offer is to provide a highly efficient and cost-effective method of communicating with geographically disparate office or remote workers.
11 leased line Branch and remote office are linked to the corporate LAN via leased line which remains open all the time.
12 teleworker This can save teleworkers much valuable time and money on trips back to the plant.
13 wildcard The path contains unrecognized wildcard characters.
14 router
15 packet switch Network traffic between signaling points is handled via a packet switch.

II Spot dictation

  1. A collection of [interconnected/inter-connected] networks is called an internet or just internet.


  2. Intranets are company specific and do not have to have a [physical] connection to the Internet.

    内部网因公司而异, 同时不必和因特网有物理接口。

  3. Intranets are an ideal solution to the problematic issue of [cost-effective/cost effective] remote access connectivity.

    对于划算的远程访问连接的疑难问题, 内部网是个理想的解决方案。

  4. The design and [deployment] of the worldwide computer network can be viewed as one of the great technological wonders of recent decades.


  5. As recently as the 1970s, computers were expensive, [fragile] machines that had to be looked after by specialists and kept in a controlled environment.

    早在20世纪70年代, 计算机还是昂贵和脆弱的机器,得由专家来照看并存放在受控制的环境条件下。

  6. Computer networks during this period were not [commercially] available.


  7. In addition to providing shared access, modern LANs can also give users a wide range of [sophisticated] facilities.


  8. The [advent] of VPNs and open networks present organizations with major security concern.


  9. To reduce their design complexity, most networks are organized as a [series] of layers or levels, each one built upon the one below it.

    为减少设计的复杂性, 很多网络以一系列层或级的结构组织起来, 每一层的构建都基于下面的层。

  10. While it is not essential for an Intranet to have a physical connection into the Internet, the benefits can often [outweigh] the risks.


III Compound dictation

  1. Computer networks can be roughly divided into three categories: local area networks, [metropolitan] networks, and wide area networks. Connected by connecting devices, networks make global communication from one side of the world to the other [possible] . The connecting devices can be divided into four types -- repeaters, [bridges] , routers and [gateways] according to their [functionality] .

    We can divide computer networks into three broad categories: local area networks, metropolitan networks, and wide area networks. The three network types can be connected using connecting devices. The interconnection of networks makes global communication from one side of the world to the other possible. Connecting devices can be divided into four types based on their functionality as related to the layers in the OSI model: repeaters, bridges, routers, and gateways.


  2. A network can be defined as a group of computers and [associated] devices that are connected by communication [facilities] in computer science. It can involve permanent or [temporary] connections. Whether the network is small or large, it exists to provide users with the means of [communicating] and transforming information [electronically] .

    A network, in computer science, is a group of computers and associated devices that are connected by communications facilities. A network can involve permanent connections, such as cables, or temporary connections made through telephone or other communications links. A network can be as small as a local area network consisting of a few computers, printers and other devices, or it can consist of many small and large computers distributed over a vast geographic area. Small or large, a computer network exists to provide computer users with the means of communicating and transforming information electronically.


Quiz 1


  1. manipulate

  2. device

  3. transaction

  4. chip

  5. automation

  6. retrieval

  7. architecture

  8. embedded

  9. versatile

  10. binary

  11. The general characteristics of modern computer include that the machine is electronic, that it has a [stored program] , and that it is [general-purpose/general purpose] . We can not call Z3 a modern computer because it had a [mechanical memory] . The modern computer era began with the appearance of the ENIAC. From then on, computers became useful [scientific and business] tools. Moreover, the [refinements] in computers' speed, size and cost have been made continuously.

    1. ---- Good morning, General Computers. [How can I help you]?

      ---- Good morning. May I speak to Ms. Jerkins, please? I need to know if she has [worked out] the project plan yet.

    2. ---- We have to [sort out] the most talented programmers for this siginificant project.

      ---- Well, Beth is always [keeping track of] the programmers' performances. You can ask for his opinion.

    3. ---- [You mean] we have to depend on our clients in finding a best solution?

      ---- No, what I meant was that they must play a more active role in defining the software. They need to [brief us on] their exact needs.

    4. ---- So far we have [figured out] the one best solution for out project.

      ---- Great. What did you [come up with]? Tell me about it.

    5. ----You said your team won't use Java. That doesn't [sound like] you.

      ---- Well, [because of] the current schedule of this project, our progerammers won't have enough time to get familiar with Java. Only three of us are cetified Java programmers.

  12. Which of the following is the main flaw in this resume?( Assume the date of submission is January 2016. )

    It is likely out of date.

  13. Which of the following scenarios is most likely to occur in Avery's interview?

    Avery will not be able to correctly implement the solution to the live coding question the interviewer asks.

Quiz 2


  1. format

  2. maintenance

  3. inheritance

  4. graphical

  5. variable

  6. compatible

  7. interface

  8. script

  9. evaluate

  10. syntax

  11. inherent

  12. portable

  13. query

  14. allocator

  15. overlap

  16. execution

  17. buffer

  18. collaboration

  19. debug

  20. intuitive

  21. Introducing workflow in an organization delivers benefits on the software development level as well as the business level. You are going to hear a passage about workflow. The passage will be played three times at the same speed. Listen carefully, and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.

    A workflow management system will ease development and, even more importantly, make standard enterprise software easier to maintain.

    1. It reduces [development risk] . The business analyst will talk the same language as the developer. That implies that the developer will not have to make a translation from user requirements to a software design.
    2. It centralizes [implementation] . The biggest advantage of using a workflow system is that the implementation is not a fuzzy combination of software pieces [scattered] over various systems.
    3. It [accelerates] application development. You software [is free from] the task of [keeping track of] the participants in a process, thus [leading to] faster development and to an easier-to-maintain code.

    [On the business level] , you can automate your business processes by effective workflow management.

    1. It [improves efficiency] . Automation of many business processes results in the elimination of many unnecessary steps.
    2. It offers better [process control] . Improved management of business processes achieves standardized working methods and the availability of audit trails.
    3. It improves [customer service] . Consistency in the processes leads to greater predictability in customer response levels.
    4. [It provides flexibility] . Software control over processes enables their re-design in line with changing business needs.
  22. Retelling Dictation: Listen and complete the passage with the words or phrases according to what you‘’ve heard from the speaker.

    Humans employ high-level language because it provides [functions] and means of [reasoning] that are easy to understand. However, the high-level language tended to be a good bit [slower] than assembly or [machine] language because it is needed to be translated into machine language which the computer can [understand] before processing starts.

  23. Which of the following is NOT a goal of your brief response to the common question "Tell me a bit more about yourself?"

    [Give the interviewer a full recap of the items on your resume]


    Give the interviewer a few conversation starters related to your background and/or the position.

    Reassure the interviewer that your interests and background align well with the position.

  24. If you follow the speaker's "Practical tips" about the in-person interview, how should you be the morning of the interview (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?

    [Well fed and well rested.]

    [Relaxed and confident.]

    [Wearing proper interview attire.]

  25. What does the speaker strongly recommend to boost your confidence? [Power pose]

Quiz 3


  1. version

  2. application

  3. word wrap

  4. video conference

  5. streamline

  6. word processor

  7. corporate database

  8. wizard

  9. formula

  10. office automation

  11. Using presentation graphic programs could make your presentation more [interesting] and [professional] . For example, a marketing manager may present information to a group on marketing strategy and a salesperson may make a presentation to [persuade] you to purchase a product. In order to create [high quality] class presentation, students also often utilize presentation graphic programs to [convey] their message effectively.

  12. Effective communication makes sure that a team works well. Here are some skills that can help you express your ideas to your teammates more effectively. The passage will be played three times at the same speed. Listen carefully, and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.

    [Active listening] —Communication is a two-way street, so it is impotant that you listen carefully to your teammates when they are speaking. Don’t [tune speakers out] or get caught in the trap of planning ahead to what you want to say next. You may miss an important detail, and [in the worst case] , you may need to have the speaker repeat the detail you missed because you were not listening.

    Ask questions —If you hear something [that confuses you] , you should ask about it. Maybe you missed a detail or maybe you [remembered something others forgot] . In any case, it’s important that everyone understand exactly what's going on. [Chances are] that if you’re confused, then others are too.

    [Constructive feedback] .

    [Chat a little] —A meeting does not have to be 100% business. It is perfectly fine to ask team members how they are doing or what they are planning next weekend. This can really [help ease tension] when disagreements occur later. Of course, you should not socialize for the entire meeting.